It's been a busy time of late, not on the modelling bench unfortunately. There has been a flurry of new ideas, kits, layout design, Facebook Early Days challenges, and even some email chatter with the ARHS, busy times.
We shall put aside all the distractions to chat about a few developments. As I've only built the one show layout I've certainly not developed a well thought out process for coming up with a plan. There's always an initial thought, then it changes with ever increasing rates until the final plan is reached, just when that is is still hard to judge.
Hoskins Hollow is all about the trains in the scene, something I like. I wanted to simplify the design, but still offer something interesting to view, and indeed, operate. The basic module design has not changed, however what is on each module, has. I started out wanting two bridges, one on either side of a scenic break. That has changed to the LHS module being scenery with a ballasted deck bridge in the scene. Then in the centre module on the LHS is the 'hill' scenic break, leading into the yard on the RHS of this centre module, and the RHS module also.
The bridge I intend to build is one of the European Ballasted Deck type. There are a few photos around of this bridge that is in Chakola. I have a copy of the Greg Edwards Data Sheet, that is of huge importance to complete a valid model, thank you Greg, your work is outstanding! Copious amounts of the basswood I'm using to construct has received its first lot of stain, so that the building process is not slowed down.
I will complete a new plan soon, and post it here, have a great week!