It's a little less than a week away from the annual get together of all those interested in Early Days modelling of NSWGR. The day is still rather new to me, however it has been going now for just on thirty years.
For me the best part of the day is being able to learn from all the gifted modellers/researchers that are involved in this part of the hobby. There is always a new detail part, or new kit, or newly discovered fact about the colour of a wagon or locomotive. Plenty for any train nerd, especially for our modelling period.
This year has seen the release of a few kits by two retailers at the event, so that's sure to have the nerds in a tizz. It's great to see the progress in the design and make up of the kits, certainly the hobby seems to be keeping up with new techniques that are available in 3D printing and the like.
A highlight for me is the tables set aside for everyones current projects if you are brave enough to bring them along. The photos above are from two such examples from last year. The level of detail, and thought involved is truly outstanding. I look forward to further progress this year. So what to bring? For me the actual modelling bench has been gathering a bit of dust of late. I had intended to finish an early BSV I've been working on for, well years, and yep! true to form, it's not finished yet.
If you are intending to come along, please bring something, everyone benefits so much from what you've done. More importantly, attend, it's a great day, for all the Train Nerds!
Hopefully I'll see you there!